Business Ideas 

You are here at the best place to find BUSINESS IDEAS and all you need to know about business ideas; how to create it, numerous business ideas to choose from, how to fund the business ideas, business plan ideas and template, and lots more!

Find hundreds of business ideas today!


I will share few information from the book that contains over 1000 business ideas , business plans and other valuable business insights.

This book of

Business Ideas

is “1000+ Practical Business Ideas and Directory of Money Sources ” by Sunkanmi Vaughan 

It is available in mobile app on all app stores, ebook on Smashwordskoboscribd ,Amazon, Apple ioS store, Google Playstore audio Book and hardcopy(click the image below to order the audiobook and hardcopy)

How Do You Create Your Business Idea?

~ make a list of tasks you can carry out with unbeatable enthusiasm and passion even if you have not yet figured out how to make money from the tasks.

~ make a list of tasks most people hate to do.

~have a list of the areas of operation of corporations and find opportunities in their value chain.

~ make a list of the daunting hurdles you or the organisation you work face in their operations.

~ Do the tasks below routinely;

Spare few minutes daily uninterrupted

Relax and close your eyes.

Select any service or product from those that came to your mind.

Change it in your mind’s eye in order to improve it.

Jot down your perspective and investigate further.

Do you need more ways to create business ideas? Download the book of Business Ideas “1000+ Practical Business Ideas and Directory of Money Sources ” by Sunkanmi VAUGHAN for free!

Can Your Business Ideas succeed?

Yes it can but there’s more chances it will fail if you don’t have enough information, mentor etc but hey, you can do a quick test to find out your chances of success using the app feature in the book of Business Ideas; 1000+ Practical Business Ideas and Directory of Money Sources ” by Sunkanmi VAUGHAN

Can You Sell Your Business Idea?

Yes you can! However, ideas are cheap if sold unrefined, untested and unprotected.

Funding Your Business Idea?

Here’s where the stakes are high!

To fund your business ideas, the first thing you need is not cash!

You need a plan and your plan needs strategy of execution.

I will share a sample of how you can proceed with your business idea.
Strategy is captured in the vision and mission.

Vision is where you are going. Imagine your vision for your business idea as a flag ahead of you! The flag represents a vision of where you must take your business ideas to in order to prove that your business idea is successful. Your strategy must be practical, compelling and profitable. Remember; turnover, in business,  is vanity; profit is sanity and cash , real cash, is the reality!

Mission is what you have broken down into small chunks as measurable tasks with timelines that you must accomplish in 12 calendar months to get your business idea to where you want to take it to. In reality,  you break down your vision into missions that when executed will enable you achieve your vision.

Tasks are found on the list of activities you must do to achieve your mission.

Measures are like Key performance indicators (KPIs) used to determine your state of progress in achieving the objectives of the tasks you carried out.

Example of Business Idea: Laundry Business

Vision: To provide the Best premium laundry service in New York by 2030

Mission (Year 1) : To raise startup capital in order to provide the best premium laundry service in New York by 2030.


Save up to 10% of my monthly net income.

Savings and interest to be invested at the end of every quarter . You can invest in equities, mutual funds,  fixed income instruments like Treasury bills and Bonds etc.

Develop my business model and business plan for sales pitch to investors who can acquire 25% equity stake in the business.


Saving balance must increase by $500 by the last day of every month.

Have a minimum of $6,000 in fixed income securities by December 31, 2025.

Business model and plan must be ready by the last day of December ,2021 in five spiral bound copies and PPT.

Sales pitch to have been made to a minimum of 5 prospective investors by the last day in December, 2022.

Sources of funding.

1. Personal savings.

2. Friends and family.

3. Banks.

4. Co operative societies etc.

Do you need more ways to get money to fund your business ideas? Do you want a complete business opportunities handbook?

Find over a thousand business ideas today

Download the book of Business Ideas “1000+ Practical Business Ideas and Directory of Money Sources ” by Sunkanmi VAUGHAN for free!