Postinor-2 For Safe & Effective Contraception

What is known as postinor-2?

Postinor-2 is an immediate contraceptive. It is not intended as a usual method of contraception.

It is used to stop pregnancy when taken with water, in glass or water bottles like Love Island water bottle, by the woman within 72 hours from the time she had unprotected intercourse during the period is likely to conceive ( typically between Day 10 and Day 19 of her monthly cycle; period regarded as ‘unsafe’).

It is expected that Postinor-2 will prevent 85% of expected pregnancies.

Can postinor 2 have side effect the womb?

When you take too much of postinor-2, it will weaken the wall of the womb and destroy the uterus. This increases chances of having miscarriages in the future.

When can postinor 2 be taken?

Postinor pill has to be taken by the woman in nothing less than 72 hours of having unprotected sex during the ‘unsafe’ period of the woman. (For 2 tablets version of POSTINOR: the second tablet should be taken exactly 12 hours after the first).

The tablets should be taken as soon as you can immediately after the unprotected sex during the unsafe period , the sooner the better!

How do you measure the effectiveness of postinor 2?

There is no way to know really. The only way to know when the pill has been effective at preventing pregnancy is if your next period arrives as and when due.

The following morning after taking the pill, it works by delaying ovulation so that you don’t release an egg be fertilized by the remaining sperm in your system.

Which is better, postinor 1 or 2?

Postinor One usually is a single dose oral emergency contraceptive pill. This also should be taken nothing less than 72 hours of having unprotected sexual intercourse.

This system allows you to use just a pill which is more hassle free than taking 2 pills. If the pill is taken on time, effectiveness is definitely more. Both are small in pack size and they can be tucked away in your regular female Marks and Spencer bags.

What happens if you use 2 tablets of postinor 2 at once?

There are two ways you can use it. You can take the two tablets at once or take one tablet and take the other tablet 12 hours later.

Efficacy depends on the time of usage. If taken early the effectiveness is really greater.

What is the adverse effect of postinor 2?

Some popular side effects are tiredness, nausea and vomiting. Some women also experience stomach pain, diarrhoea, dizziness, headache, tender breasts, increased vaginal bleeding and skin reactions.

Does postinor 2 alter menstrual cycle?

Obviously taking an POSTINOR pill is not likely to significantly affect your period, so you need not worry that your period may not come at the regular time.

However, your period may come earlier or later than usually expected. This is due to the estrogen effect of the tablet.

There might also be some irregular bleeding or spotting until your next period. It will no doubt discomfort you, but that does not unexpected and suggests that anything wrong is going on in your body.

Is it still possible to get pregnant after taking postinor 2?

Affirmatively Yes. it’s very imaginable to get pregnant. The morning-after pill can help prevent pregnancy when it is taken after having unprotected sex.

But, it won’t  be effective for any sex you may have after taking it.

For how long can the adverse effects of postinor 2 last?

Mostly three days.

What is the composition of Postinor-2?

Each pack of Postinor-2 contains one blister sheet with two white tablets that are round in shape.

Each of this white tablet contains 750 micrograms of levonorgestrel and the following inactive constituents:
potato starch,

Maize starch,


Silica colloidal anhydrous,

Magnesium stearate,


How To Get Postinor-2 For Free

This premium brand of contraceptive pill comes with great discount and dispensed by a licensed Pharmacist.
Check out the discount below( more discounts for bulk orders).