Weeta Flakes and Weetos Chocolatey Hoops For You!Great Deals  

What is weeta flakes?

Weetos Chocolatey Hoops on Free Stuff NG

Weeta flakes are loads of light, crispy wheat and rice flakes which is packed with a lot of natural whole grain wheat.

Which company manufactures Weetabix?

The company that makes Weetabix flakes is Weetabix Food Company Limited, a good processing company based in Northamptonshire, United Kingdom.

Weetabix produce other range of breakfast cereal brands apart from Weetabix. This includes Alpen, Ready Brek and Weetos Chocolatey hoops.

What are the nutrients found in weeta flakes?

A lot of nutrients are found in weeta flakes, some of them are:

Energy – 1573J per 100g

Fat – 1.4g per 100g

Carbohydrates – 77g per 100g

Fibre – 7.4g per 100g

Protein – 9.0g per 100g

Salt – 0.28g per 100g

Thiamin(B1) – 1.8mg per 100g

Niacin – 26mg per 100g

Vitamin B6 – 2.3mg per 100g

Folic acid – 330μg per 100g

Vitamin B12


What ingredients used in making weeta flakes?

Whole grain, wheat(60%), rice(37%), sugar, malted barley extract, salt, niacin, iron, pantothenic acid(B5), Thiamin(B1), Riboflavin(B2), vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12.
Precautions: it is not suitable for those allergic to nuts and milk

Who are those allergic to weeta flakes?

To those allergic to cereals containing gluten, please carefully study the ingredients and take the necessary precautions.

How To Get Weetos Chocolatey Hoops Sample Free

This premium brand of cereal comes with great discount.

Check out the discount below

Weetos Chocolate Hoops Discount For You on FreeStuffsNG